Antibodies - Deciphering the Chemistry Behind Antibody Tetramerization
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  The latest antibodies news from News Medical  

Targeting Checkpoint Proteins on NK Cells: Enhancing Immunotherapy StrategiesTargeting Checkpoint Proteins on NK Cells: Enhancing Immunotherapy Strategies

NK cells have been shown to independently eliminate cancers, making them a promising target for immunotherapies. They are a promising therapeutic focus, especially against chemotherapy-resistant cancers. Maintaining the equilibrium between inhibitory and activating signals is pivotal for NK cell function. ACROBiosystems offers NK cell immune checkpoint proteins to aid drug and therapy development.

Explore Immune Checkpoint Proteins
   Deciphering the Chemistry Behind Antibody TetramerizationDeciphering the Chemistry Behind Antibody Tetramerization
Novel insights into antibody aggregation are anticipated to pave the way for fresh avenues in both research and therapeutic applications.
   Revolutionizing Fish Immunology: A Paradigm Shift in Antibody ResponsesRevolutionizing Fish Immunology: A Paradigm Shift in Antibody Responses
Upon infection or immunization, antibodies, produced by all jawed vertebrates, serve to bind and neutralize pathogens.

Something About Science Podcast

 New insights into the structures formed during antibody aggregation through 3D domain swapping
New insights into the structures formed during antibody aggregation through 3D domain swappingAntibodies (immunoglobulins) are Y-shaped proteins that recognize and neutralize specific pathogens. Their ability to target specific molecules or cells has made them promising candidates for future drug development.
 Key role of ion and water influx in T cell migration uncovered
Key role of ion and water influx in T cell migration uncoveredResearch reveals that T cell migration relies on ion and water influx for actin polymerization and movement, with the WNK1 kinase playing a critical role in regulating these processes, offering new insights into adaptive immunity.
 New antibody combination shows 'surprising' results in high-risk follicular lymphoma trial
New antibody combination shows 'surprising' results in high-risk follicular lymphoma trialResearchers conducting a Phase 2 clinical trial at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine say a new combination of antibody therapies produced a 'surprisingly high' response rate in patients with high-risk follicular lymphoma, a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

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